Virtual Desktop Infrastructure


More than 20 years ago, the desktop revolution swept across the land, ushering in a new paradigm of computing, taking processing away from a centralized host, and moving it to personal computers at the edge of the network. With VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure), as the saying goes, what’s old is new again. Using virtualization, IT now has the ability to bring those distinct computing platforms back under one roof, while also providing for greater control and flexibility of user access.

There are a number of advantages to virtualization the desktop and moving it to a centralized server. First, no user data leaves the data center. All processing takes place in a controlled environment on highly redundant systems. From a security and fault-tolerance standpoint, this is a big deal. Unlike traditional desktops where data actually resides — and can be stolen, as in the case of a laptop — no data leaves the data center.

Another advantage is that systems management is centralized. When it comes time to patch an operating system or update an application, IT only has to do it on the master, or golden, disk image and all users receive the upgrades — no more pushing a single update to multiple desktops across the enterprise. Perhaps one of the biggest advantages to a VDI deployment is the ability to make the user’s desktop environment available to multiple end-user devices. This means a Windows 7 virtual desktop can be accessed from a Mac or Linux PC, from a thin client, from an iPad or Android tablet, or even (in a pinch) from a smartphone. The user’s desktop becomes completely portable.

BIM offers a variety of VDI solutions and has the expertise to help you decide which one is right for you:

Virtual Server and Server Consolidation

Don’t let server sprawl and platform dependencies prevent your organization from achieving its goals. Take control of your IT infrastructure with server virtualization. Cut capital and operating costs while increasing IT service delivery without being locked into limited choices of operating systems, applications, and hardware.

Reduce hardware and operating costs by as much as 50% and energy costs by 80%, saving more than $3,000 per year for every server workload virtualized

Reduce the time it takes to provision new servers by up to 70%

Decrease downtime and improve reliability with business continuity and built-in data disaster recovery

Deliver IT services on-demand now and in the future, independent of hardware, OS, application or infrastructure providers

Contact us today to discuss Virtual Desktop Infrastructure ?