Video Conferencing

Need a knowledge of Licensing Program? Contact a BIM Licensing Specialist Today

For organizations looking to save money while reaping the benefits a standardized IT environment can bring, software licensing agreements are a must-have item. That said, the task of sifting through the options available and arriving at the licensing solution that makes the most sense for you is a complicated and often time-consuming business. And that’s exactly why we’re here.

Widely recognized as the software licensing experts, BIM’s job is to work closely with you to identify the most appropriate licensing options, lower your total cost of ownership, and eliminate your non-compliance worries. Taking our focus one step further, we’ll help you manage your agreements over time and provide services that will allow you to manage what you’ve got, forecast your future needs, and assess the challenges and opportunities presented by the implementation of new technology. Our approach is a holistic one and perhaps the reason more than 80% of BIM’s customers are saving time, money and reducing their risks through software licensing programs.

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